==================== ERRATA ====================== PC-Driven EGO Analyser<$> (Jan-Feb 1996): A new version of the EGO.EXE program (version 1.1) is now available which rectifies a couple of bugs in the original version. One of these bugs prevented the analyser from outputting a voltage in the 'Generate Voltage' mode; this and a couple of smaller points have been addressed in the new version, which is available from our Reader Services Department ($5.00 plus a pre-formatted disk). The new version is also available from the EA BBS ((02) 353 0627) as the file EGO.ZIP. Also, The diagram and caption on page 57 is incorrect, as is the text referring to optocoupler orientation on page 56. If you are using 4N28s instead of the 6N128s for U4 and U5, they should not be inserted as shown. Instead, pin 1 of the 4N28 must go in the hole that would normally be occupied by pin 2 of the 6N128. This leaves pin holes 1 and 8 empty, not holes 4 and 5 as shown in the diagram.