| anothera.zip | 96k | | Anotherapp util for Win95.- Computer Clinic Mar 98
| arj230.exe | 194k | | The ARJ compression/archiving system (self ext)
| athelp.exe | 33k | | Convenient listing of Hayes AT modem commands
| c96setup.exe | 2179k | | CoolEdit96 sound file editor/generator for Win95
| cachchk4.zip | 37k | | New version of the popular cache checking program
| cexyz100.zip | 56k | | Communications protocol driver software
| coldboot.com | 1k | | Reboots your PC - Computer Clinic column Aug 98
| diagdemo.zip | 305k | | AMIDiag PC diagnostics (AMI BIOS only) - shareware
| edit251.zip | 30k | | Simple Wordstar compatible text editor
| murphy.zip | 285k | | A bit of frivolity...
| op212e.exe | 771k | | Opera v2.12 web browser for windows (16 bit)
| pak251.exe | 100k | | The ARC compression/archiving system (self ext)
| pcm105.zip | 30k | | Info on the PC's POST routine and diagnostic codes
| picem.exe | 51k | | Image file viewer (freeware)
| picem.txt | 14k | | Documentation for PICEM.EXE
| pkz204g.exe | 197k | | The ZIP compression/archiving system (self ext)
| qm452td1.exe | 324k | | Qmodem terminal program for DOS - disk #1
| qm452td2.exe | 353k | | Qmodem terminal program for DOS - disk #2
| quikm31.zip | 506k | | QuikMenu icon-based desktop/menu for DOS - great!
| shez108.zip | 383k | | Archive manager, makes it easy to arch/unarchive
| shhed240.zip | 22k | | Simple Wordstar compatible text editor
| smileys.zip | 3k | | A list of Smileys to jazz up your email...
| snoop33.arj | 157k | | Snooper v3.3 System information utility for PCs
| svga.exe | 422k | | SVGA drivers for Win 3.1x. (M's Madhouse, Jul 98)
| tdy2k.zip | 11K | | Y2K complient version of Timedate.exe (Computer Clinic, May 1999) |
| teasers.zip | 433k | | Star puzzle game from Information Centre (Feb 97)
| ted3.zip | 16k | | Small (12k) text editor - very handy
| timedate.zip | 16k | | Unique filename util - Comp Clinic (June 98)
| tlx322-1.zip | 169k | | Telix v3.22 comms software for DOS - disk #1
| tlx322-2.zip | 64k | | Telix v3.22 comms software for DOS - disk #2
| tlx322-3.zip | 198k | | Telix v3.22 comms software for DOS - disk #3
| tlx322-4.zip | 177k | | Telix v3.22 comms software for DOS - disk #4
| vde173.zip | 143k | | VDE Wordstar-like text editor - ref: Moffat's mdhs
| vde_ed2.zip | 11k | | Shell for VDE Editor - adds features!
| vde_mc11.zip | 18k | | VMC v1.10 Macro compiler for VDE editor
| warmboot.com | 1k | | Ctrl-Alt-Del your PC - Computer Clinic Aug 98
| zoo201.exe | 80k | | The ZOO compression/archiving system (self ext)