![]() Archive of Electronics Australia 'freebies' archive...Electronics Australia (EA) was a premiere Electronics magazine published in Australia between 1965-2000. EA's now closed website, www.electronicsaustralia.com.au, once proudly (and eventually perhaps somewhat questionably) claimed to be "one of the largest technical file archives on the net". Having picked up a number of EA back-issues in 2019 I found myself unable to complete some of the projects described in their pages because they relied on various project files and utilities that were referenced in the magazine articles as being provided to readers through EA's Reader Service BBS, and later through EA's 'freebies' web pages. It took a while to hunt down the missing files I wanted so I decided I would share a copy of the EA 'freebie' archives here, in the hope anyone reading EA in the 21'st century may find the referenced files more easily!Silicon Chip (SC), a fantastic magazine in its own right and the spiritual successor to EA, still maintain an Index of all the EA projects. If you are interested in finding some EA back-issues I suggest eBay, online search, and Silicon Chip's EA back-issue photocopying service (SC now hold the copyright to the EA publications). |